Market Comment – May 2020
First and foremost, I hope and trust you are all well and managing to adapt in these challenging times.
I can personally speak for the whole operation throughout the Streets Ahead group, in that we have made huge operational changes in line with the government guidelines and so much more to protect our staff and customers.
Most of you who have viewed or have enquired about a property, whether it be Sales or Lettings, will be aware that all departments have very strict viewing guidelines and since we re-opened our doors at the end of April, we have supplied thousands of gloves and masks.
Whilst we know that there are challenging times ahead, we are 100% committed to protect and make safe all that we can for our clients, staff and the public.
Enquiries this month, not surprisingly have seen a huge spike and to put it in to perspective, we have already experienced 138% increase in enquiries and 89% more traffic to our website than the month before. Breaking these statistics down, 54% have been from lettings and 46% for sales.
There has been a huge appetite and a very encouraging amount of new enquiries for new homes and we are confident that June will see us secure more reservations than any other month in the last 12.
As we all see matters change from week to week, I am pleased to report to you that the confidence in the housing market has returned at what almost seems full throttle and in this respect, all of us at Streets Ahead are very excited about the coming months and the second half of the year.
I look forward to reporting to the back to you at the beginning of July and in the meantime, our best wishes to everyone from the Streets Ahead family.